所以我對謠言和八掛感興趣. 這是另一則在網路上謠傳的 7D 消息, 也是到目前為只我最..呃..想聽的…
- 12 mpx, 好! 事實上我 prefer 12 mpx over 16 mpx. 因為我完全沒有昇級電腦的預算. 哇哈哈
- 5 fps, 好! 5 fps 真的是現在中階單眼的 min bar. 5D 的 3fps 是在是太 lame 了….
- 除塵..of course…this doesn't count as a feature.
- 點測與 35 zone meterming…again, why bother to list this.
- 15 pt auto focus with center cross type. Lame ass! 最少也要九點 cross type. 期待是筆誤
- 96% viewing area and 0.71x. Lame canon, what can I say.
- LCD, no comment, don't trust it anyways.
- ISO 50 – 3200, this is fine, don't care about ISO 6400 anyways.
- Connector weather/dust proof. 反正不會是 full weather seal. 沒誠意沒信心也沒差
- 14 bits Digic 3, huh, why bother listing
- HDMI, don't care, why bother?
- 800 mpx in 16:9. What's the freaking point?
- Live View, having is nothing, doesn't expect too much.
- Support 5D battery and grip. Will make Kevin happy I hope
Overall, 5 fps and 12 mpx made it better suit my expectation. I don't expect it to match the quality of 1 series but should worth many people's usd$2500.
My evil plan is to wait to see how 5D 2 (or more likely 7D) is like. If it is good, I'll wait until I can get from B&H when there is no long back ordering. If by the time Canon announced the new much anticipated 1Dx, I'll re-evaluate again.